Well, I'm obviously not very good at blogging since I'm confident I posted in January and once in February and cannot find either post. That means I need to catch up on what has happened since December. After being told I have a recent fracture in my pelvic bone and that I could not go to physical therapy, I was given permission to start physical therapy in the third week of January. I feel I've made progress since I started therapy with Dawn and Marjorie. I am still having problems with spasticity in my left leg which affects my agility and flexibility. Dawn suggests that I have a Botox injection in my left hip to reduce the tone in my leg.
I am pretty mobile around the house and have resumed some cooking and clothes-washing but am not able to get out of the house by myself. John has constructed a temporary ramp with which he helps me get outside on my rollator. My immediate goal is to regain independence and be able to get outside by myself, put my rollator into the car, drive to a store or someone's house, get the rollator out of the car, and walk into a store or house alone. That sounds so simple, and I was doing all of that before we left for Russia in June. I was regaining those skills but my fall in November threw me back into the ditch. I am attempting to get back to the place where I was in October physically.
I can see Dawn's skepticism when I told her about HSCT, and I told her today that I will print out some info from George Goss, the knowledgeable man who has spread the word about this procedure, to convince her that HSCT is a proven process. She stated that she isn't convinced that it has been effective for me. I told her that the effectiveness doesn't fully manifest itself until 8-12 months after HSCT. She then indicated that I should work hard at my exercises to use this window of opportunity to its best advantage. I agree with her on that issue and need to get busy!