Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Moscow Journey, Day 18 -July 9, 2014. My New Life birthday!

(These were posted on FB)   Today is really the apex of this whole journey: the reinfusion of my own cleansed stem cells.  It is considered my new birthday of my New Life.  I know it probably sounds a little Girl Scouts' rituals or something to everyone else, but this is quality of life, folks.  This is the real deal.  I was told it would occur about 12:00, but like most events that we dread/anticipate, it took a little longer.  There was, of course, much cleaning of the room and laying of sterile cloths.  Dr. F then enters with my stem cells frozen in liquid nitrogen and begins to thaw them in a common red bucket of water.  The nurse stands by and suctions the stem cells into syringes and then Dr F sits by my side and attaches the syringe to a thin tube already inserted into my carotid. He then infuses the stem cells.  No pain, no problem.
    Now tell me why are people having to come from America, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, India, etc to have this done?  Check out the data on pharmaceutical companies and how much they spend on marketing rather than research.  Not to mention the kickbacks neurologists get for prescribing the MS drugs.  Pharmaceuticals spend more than double on marketing drugs than they do research.  What's more, every drug they have come out with operates on the exact principle.  No new approaches; they are all 33% effective.  Really makes you want to sign up for a $40-50 drug, doesn't it.
   We just got word today that Dr F will have to reduce the number of autoimmune patients having this procedure to treat more cancer patients. This man is an angel of God and yearns to help every patient,but there is only one of him and only one building.  I feel it was God's hand that got me placed here before the overcrowding began.  Everything has gone so smoothly and I believe that God must haveplan for good to come of this!
   Good night, friends.

These are pictures of the celebratory tossing of the liquid nitrogen out onto the floor!  ((Video is posted on FB)

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