Saturday, July 12, 2014

Moscow Journey- July 11, 2014

I mentioned before that I am mathematically challenged. Well, it ONLY took 25 days for us to remember that Russia is a day ahead of us, but I choose to stay on USA time, even if my sleep pattern doesn't. Today has been rather in eventful except for the fact that my platelet level has dropped to -6, which is not good. We evidently have a familial problem with this as my father had two siblings to an early death by hemorraghing ( sp) and we lost our precious nephew Bob to the same cause. This hasn't caused me any trauma as Dr F immediately ordered a platelet transfusion and I know of previous patients who also required this. I knew of this potential and am being very careful not to move around and potentially fall. The best English-speaking nurse came in and just,told me that John will be moving in here with me tomorrow. I loved that he was having some free time, but I know he's concerned about the low platelet count, I am sure. This means he'll be locked in here with me for the next 7-10 days. He's a loving man but, really, who can stand being locked in a 12x12 room with a talkative wife? I sure hit the jackpot when I married John. God could not have given me a better husband: good-looking, intelligent, patient, loving, good-dancer, great character, and, best of all, great Christian! I am truly blessed!

1 comment:

  1. This is a temporary set back...God is still in control and can handle this. Glad John will be able to be with you, as I know he is also. Keep the faith. So glad for some reason I can now post directly on your blog.
