Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Moscow Journey, July 16

So somehow I missed another day.  My platelets are still fluctuating wildly, from -6 to 30 to 4 to 16 to 12.  I refuse to worry about it because it is out of my hands.  god and Dr F have it under control.  I just lie here and recuperate!  My exciting day consists of sleeping, waking, FBIng, blogging, reading, and visiting with John.  I do have my daily vodka bath and room scrub down with fresh linens every day and four meals, one of which I've begun to skip.  Yesterday, I only ate oatmeal, vegetable soup, and fish soup and some nuts.  Sure wish I could maintain that small caloric intake when I return home!  Poor John had to help me shower this morning.  I am ashamed to admit that this a not a daily occurrence-far too much work leading to complete exhaustion.  The rest of my bald head is truly losing hair now and it clings to gauze with which i wash  my head.  It is exhilirating to be clean and to be tucked into clean linens.  Such small pleasures!
     I am still in the stage of neutropenia, which I've explained before.  I have zero energy and I've yet to see my blood readings for the day, so don't know if I have low platelets yet again.  dr F is always on top of things and responds appropriately.  He even gave me his cell number if I need a nurse to call him!  So now I wait for engraftment to occur.  When that begins, I'll know I am on my way!  I have lost 18-19 pounds!  I think,it's following me around on my booty!  Stephanie, it will take some serious toning to get this old body into anything resembling normalcy!  That's OK. If I am able, I will do it!

1 comment:

  1. OK, this happens every time I post a comment. I write it and then hit publish and it goes away. Will try again, hope you get your energy back soon! I can almost relate to the no energy feeling. We have had our three grandsons for a little over a week.
